Students at the workshop in Cultural Center REX
Apply Theatre, Change Life“ project started in October 2010. It is a one year education program in the area of Applied theatre for students of Faculty for special education and rehabilitation (FASPER) in Belgrade. The project focuses on the students of three departments: 1. special education and rehabilitation of persons with hearing impairment, 2. special education and rehabilitation of persons with difficulties in mental development and 3. Prevention and treatment of behavior disorders; as well as on the young people from three Belgrade institutions: School for persons with hearing impairment „Stefan Decanski“, Institute for education of children and youth and Center for children and youth with difficulties in mental development „Sremcica“. During collective work at drama workshops, the participants will be going through a process of exchange, support, creative expression, personal development, research and moving the limits of their own abilities, and together they will be creating a performance.
The aims of the project are:
to introduce to FASPER students an innovative methodology which can be a valuable tool in the future practice of special pedagogues and their work with sensitive groups
to enrich the activities in social care and education institutions dealing with children and youth
to create possibilities for children and youth, who are linked to these institutions, to include in the peer environment, reactivate their potentials, learn to express and live creatively, communicate through a performance with wider community
Join the Facebook group „ApsArt – Apply theatre, change life“ in order to get all details and updates regarding the project .
Students at the workshop in REX
The project is financed by BCIF – Balkan Community Initiatives Fund / Cooperating Netherlands Foundations for Central and Eastern Europe in the framework of Social Transition Program and Serbian Ministry of Labor and Social Policy.
Project is also supported by Cultural Center REX,Belgrade