‘Hajduks“ is a funny chase game made for IgFest in Bristol, in September 2010. Game was made for two teams of players, one representing Serbian medieval rebels (Hajduks) and other standing for Otoman traders. Hajduks were equipped with RFID cards and traders had PMC devices (Pervasive Media Controllers). Hajduks were supposed to chase traders and activate their PMC devices thus scoring points. One of the traders was Musa, infamous Turk warrior able to temporarily disqualify Hajduks from the game and lock their RFID cards. Additionally, Turks were allowed to exchange devices between them so you’ll never know which player is Musa and which device will lock your card. After the game – teams were supposed to change roles and Hajduks would become Turks and vice-versa. Game was played on St. Nicholas Street in Bristol and surrounding area. Hajduks were created by Mirko Stojkovic & Bogdan Spanjevic.