White Night is Brighton & Hove’s unique all night cultural festival which takes place every year on the last Saturday in October when the clocks go back. Every event has been created specially for the festival, for one night only. So visitors were able to mark the end of British Summer time and make the most of the extra hour of darkness at White Night in the company of the city’s artists, venues, creators and curators.

Bright On! is a funny, interactive street game, based on mobile and RFID technology, co-commissioned by Brighton City Council and Videoclub, UK – specially for this occasion. Bright ON! Players were supposed to stop horrible Astro Tsunami that was rushing towards Brighton  from the deep space. The only way to repel wave of negative energy was to make as many good deeds on the city streets as possible, which would consequently produce a wave of positive energy above Brighton thus saving the city. And saved it was. Almost 250 Brighteners played the game during four bright  night hours producing so much positive energy that night became white.  Game consisted of four funny tasks bluetoothed on players’ mobile phones and supervised by four Angels of Brighton – funny white-winged extraterrestrials. Each Angel carried a RFID reader which was to be activated by players RFID cards. After the game players were given special diplomas „Brighton Savioir“. All in all – players had hours of hilarious fun with new friends on the Brighton streets.
Look at the official site of White Nights in Brighton.